Sunday, October 24, 2010

Heppi Burf-dei Jonah!

Yesterday was my friend, Jonah's 19th birthday! Happy Day of Birth to him, I hope he enjoyed it as much as I did, haha. Anyways, a couple of friends and I went out to wholefoods at like 11pm to buy him cupcakes along with a card and some nifty "chandelles". We then bombarded his room with pink balloons (and a couple condoms) and sang an earsplitting rendition of "Happy Birthday". After that we migrated down the hall to Tractavio's room for a weak game of truth or dare, though it was more like group truths than any actual daredevil stunts, bummer. But I did get to go to 7-11 with my darling Jonah, afterwards, to get late night snacks (which included slurpees and cup noodles) I even got to use his microwave to make said noodles! Isn't he just the best? I love him (for his appliances).

Tonight was a good night.

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